List of endemic genera by South American country; changes made in since 2021 in this list are cited in gray above country list. This list is exclusively based on the article Synopsis of South American Angiosperms (SEE), version SET 28, 2024, with updates always cited through external support links.
Here is a brief list of some classical genera no longer endemic to Brazil, for various reasons: Polyandrococcus (Arecaceae), Stachyacanthus (Acanthaceae), Tocantinia (Amaryllidaceae), Peplonia (Apocynaceae), Stenophalium (Asteraceae), Neojobertia (Bignoniaceae), Auxemma, Chamissoniophila (Cordiaceae), Pierrebraunia, Tacinga (Cactaceae), Paliavana, Vanhouttea (Gesneriaceae), Systemonodaphne (Lauraceae), Lavoisiera, Trembleya, Stenodon, Chaetostoma (Melastomataceae), Glischriothamnus (Molluginaceae), Otacanthus (Plantaginaceae), Crenias, Monostyles, Lophogyne (Podostemaceae), Hydrothrix (Pontederiaceae), Salzmannia (Rubiaceae), Nycticalanthus (Rutaceae) and Burlemarxia (Velloziaceae).
Some genera are removed recently from the list of Brazil due to records in other countries, namely Colombia (Polygonanthus, Euxylophora), Peru (Bahiana), Venezuela (Douradoa, Tacinga), and Costa Rica (Lathrophytum).
ARGENTINA (43) ‣ Grahamia (Anacampserotaceae), Tressensia (Apocynaceae), Austropeucedanum, Oligocladus (Apiaceae), Ameghinoa, Austroliabum, Burkhartia, Cabreraea, Chiliophyllum, Doliclasium, Duseniella, Famatinanthus, Huarpea, Haroldia, Katinasia, Macrachaenium (Asteraceae), Chilocardamum, Delpinophytum, Parodiodoxa, Petroravenia, Phlebolobium, Sarcodraba, Trichotolinium, Zuloagocardamum (Brassicaceae), Denmoza, Reicheocactus, Setiechinopsis (Cactaceae), Anachoretes (Calyceraceae), Haloscycios (Cucurbitaceae), Spergazzioniophytum (Euphorbiaceae), Ramorinoa, Stenodrepanum (Fabaceae), Halophytum (Halophytaceae), Ixorhea (Heliotropiaceae), Tricomaria (Malpighiaceae), Neobaclea (Malvaceae), Schreiteria (Montiaceae), Neobuteloua (Poaceae), Hualania, Monrosia, Rhamphopetalum (Polygalaceae), Pantacantha (Solanaceae), Parodianthus and Troncosoa (Verbenaceae).
01.02.25 - exclusion of Aylacophora and Paleaepappus and inclusion of Macrachaenium (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, the two former now both under Nardophyllum.
30.09.24 - exclusion of Cortesia, now under Ehretia via POWO (Ehretiaceae, SEE).
13.06.24 - exclusion of Plectocarpa, due to expansion against extra-Argentina species via POWO (Zygophyllaceae, SEE).
10.11.23 - exclusion of Gallardoa, now under Mionandra (Malpighiaceae, SEE).
06.08.23 - renaming: Acantholippia to Troncosoa, in Verbenaceae (O'Leary, Novon, 2023).
21.02.23 - updates in splits of Boraginaceae: Ehretiaceae and Heliotropiaceae.
01.11.22 - exclusion of Notiosciadium (Apiaceae), due to their distribution also in Uruguay (POWO).
02.05.22 - inclusion of Reicheocactus (Cactaceae), based on Korotkova et al. (Willdenowia, 2021) and (SEE).
16.02.22 - inclusion of Austroliabum (Asteraceae) by Gutiérrez et al. (Taxon, 2019).
20.08.21 - exclusion of Pterocactus (Cactaceae) due to range also in Chile (Gayana Bot., 2002).
20.08.21 - exclusion of Lithodraba (Brassicaceae), united now with Lepidium (Phytotaxa, 2021).
20.08.21 - inclusion of Anachoretes (Calyceraceae), via Pozner & al. (Taxon, 2021).
BOLIVIA (16) ‣ Cardenasiaodendron (Anacardiaceae), Chaetacalia, Stephanbeckia (Asteraceae), Cremnocereus, Vatricania, Yungasocereus (Cactaceae), Polyclita, Rusbya (Ericaceae), Boliviadendron, Pseudosenegalia, Steinbachiella (Fabaceae), Woodianthus (Malvaceae), Boelckea (Plantaginaceae), Gerritea (Poaceae), Trompettia (Solanaceae), Izozogia (Zygophyllaceae).
10.11.22 - inclusion of Chaetacalia (Asteraceae), by Pruski (Phytoneuron, 2021).
23.08.22 - 'Leucochloron bolivianum unammed genus' is formally recognized as Boliviadendron (Élvia Rorigues de Sousa et al., PhytoKeys, 2022).
02.05.22 - exclusion of Chamaecereus (Cactaceae), due to their range also in Argentina, by POWO (SEE).
16.01.21 - exclusion of Winterocereus (Cactaceae) via Lowry (Bradleya, 2016).
03.01.21 - inclusion of 'Leucochloron bolivianum unammed genus' (Fabaceae), via Koenen et al. (Am. J. of Botany, 2020).
BRAZIL (354) ‣
Aymoreana, Clistax, Harpochilus, Schaeuria, Sebastanoschaueria (Acanthaceae), Kuhlmanniodendron (Achariaceae), Froelichiella, Lecosia, Quaternella, Xerosiphon (Amaranthaceae), Cearanthes, Griffinia, Worsleya (Amaryllidaceae), Tumultivenia (Anacardiacae), Bocagea, Duckeanthus, Hornschuchia (Annonaceae), Klotzschia (Apiaceae), Bahiella, Gyrostelma, Hypolobus, Kerbera, Manothrix, Morilloa, Mosaninna (Apocynaceae), Asterostigma, Bognera, Dracontioides, Gearum, Idimanthus, Lorenzia, Zomicarpa (Araceae), Barcella (Arecaceae), Acritopappus, Agrianthus, Albertinia, Allocephalus, Alomiella, Anteremanthus, Arrojadocharis, Austrocritonia, Bahianthus, Bishopiella, Blanchetia, Caatinganthus, Catolesia, Cavalcantia, Cephalopappus, Chronopappus, Cololobus, Diacranthera, Dissothrix, Eitenia, Echinocoryne, Eupatoriopsis, Gardnerina, Gorceixia, Goyazianthus, Graphistylis, Gymnocondylus, Heterocoma, Heterocypsela, Hoehnephytum, Hololepis, Lapidia, Lasiolaena, Leptoclinium, Litothamnus, Lomatozona, Lulia, Lychnocephalus, Lychnophora, Lychnophorella, Maschalostachys, Mattfeldanthus, Minasia, Monogereion, Moquinia, Morithamnus, Paralychnophora, Parapiqueria, Piptolepis, Piqueriella, Planaltoa, Platypodanthera, Prestelia, Prolobus, Proteopsis, Pseudobrickellia, Pseudostifftia, Richterago, Roquea, Santosia, Scherya, Semiria, Soaresia, Staurochlamys, Stylotrichium, Teixeiranthus, Telmatophila, Trichogoniopsis, Vickia, Vinicia, Vittetia, Wunderlichia (Asteraceae), Paratecoma (Bignoniaceae), Alcantarea, Canistrum, Cottendorfia, Cryptanthus, Edmundoa, Eduandrea, Fernseea, Forzzaea, Hoplocryptanthus, Karawata, Krenakanthus, Lapanthus, Lymania, Neoglaziovia, Neoregelia, Nidularium, Orthocryptanthus, Orthophytum, Portea, Pseudaraeococcus, Quesnelia, Rokautskyia, Sincoraea, Siqueiranthus, Stigmatodon, Waltillia (Bromeliaceae), Arrojadoa, Arthrocereus, Brasilicereus, Cipocereus, Coleocephalocereus, Espostoopsis, Faicheroa, Hatiora, Lagenosocereus, Leocereus, Micranthocereus, Rhipsalidiopsis, Schlumbergera, Uebelmannia, Xiquexique (Cactaceae), Mesocapparis (Capparaceae), Fraunhofera, Goniodiscus (Celastraceae), Haptocarpum (Cleomaceae), Tovomitopsis (Clusiaceae), Siderasis (Commelinaceae), Bernardinia (Connaraceae), Daustinia (Convolvulaceae), Anisosperma, Melothrianthus (Cucurbitaceae), Keraunea (Ehretiaceae), Actinocephalus, Floralia, Gnomus (Eriocaulaceae), Brasiliocroton, Gradyana, Joannesia, Ophthalmoblapton (Euphorbiaceae), Abarema, Androcalymma, Arapatiella, Bionia, Blanchetiodendron, Brodriguesia, Cranocarpus, Delgadoana, Goniorrhachis, Grazielodendron, Harleyodendron, Leucochloron, Mantiqueira, Melanoxylon, Moldenhawera, Mysanthus, Naiadendron, Oryxis, Paubrasilia, Petaladenium, Sellocharis, Tabaroa, Uleanthus (Fabaceae), Aripuana, Calolisianthus, Hockinia, Prepusa, Senaea, Symphyllophyton, Yanomamua (Gentianaceae), Chautemsia, Codonanthe, Goyazia, Mandirola, Nematanthus, Sphaerorrhiza (Gesneriaceae), Hylocarpa (Humiriaceae), Deluciris, Pseudiris, Pseudotrimezia (Iridaceae), Eplingiella, Eriothymus, Hesperozygis, Leptohyptis, Monochilus, Physominthe, Raphiodon (Lamiaceae), Paraia, Phyllostemonodaphne, Urbanodendron (Lauraceae), Ameroglossum, Cubitanthus (Linderniceae), Gyrosphragma (Lythraceae), Acmanthera, Barnebya, Mcvaughia, Verrucularina (Malpighiaceae), Aguiaria, Calyptraemalva, Hydrogaster, Phragmocarpidium, Rayleya, Spirabutilon, Tropidococcus (Malvaceae), Holoregmia (Martyniaceae), Bertolonia, Bisglaziova, Brasilianthus, Cambessedesia, Eriocnema, Fritzschia, Lithobium, Merianthera, Physeterostemon, Rupestrea (Melastomataceae), Ungulipetalum (Menispermaceae), Grazielanthus, Macropeplus, Macrotorus (Monimiaceae), Accara, Algrizea, Curitiba, Neomitranthes (Myrtaceae), Andradea, Belemia, Leucaster, Ramisia (Nyctaginaceae), Luxemburgia (Ochnaceae), Adamantinia, Archivea, Chytroglossa, Cirrhaea, Constantia, Cotylolabium, Espinhassoa, Grobya, Hoehneella, Loefgrenianthus, Neogardneria, Nothostele, Pabstia, Paradisanthus, Platyrhiza, Pogoniopsis, Promenaea, Pseudolaelia, Psychopsiella, Pygmaeorchis, Rauhiella, Schunkea, Thelyschista, Thysanoglossa (Orchidaceae), Magdalenaea, Notochilus, Physocalyx (Orobanchaceae), Chaunocentron, Gonatogyne (Phyllanthaceae), Anamaria, Dizygostemon, Ildefonsea, Lapaea, Philcoxia, Tetraulacium, Umbraria (Plantaginaceae), Alvimia, Anomochloa, Apoclada, Arundoclaytonia, Athroostachys, Brasilochloa, Cambajuva, Canastra, Cnidochloa, Diandrolyra, Eremitis, Eremocaulon, Filguerasia, Glaziophyton, Keratochlaena, Neesiochloa, Parianella, Plagiantha, Renvoizea, Rheochloa, Rupichloa, Schenckochloa, Sucrea, Tatyanix (Poaceae), Ceratolacis, Cipoia, Diamantina, (Podostemaceae), Gymnospora (Polygalaceae), Alvimiantha, Reissekia (Rhamnaceae), Anthospermopsis, Bradea, Carajasia, Descantia, Diadorimia, Hindsia, Kerianthera, Leptoscela, Melanopsidium, Molopanthera, Paganuccia, Planaltina, Psyllocarpus, Riodocea, Schedenera, Standleya (Rubiaceae), Andreadoxa, Dryades, Raulinoa, Sigmathanthus (Rutaceae), Macrothumia (Salicaceae), Alatococcus, Tripterodendron (Sapindaceae), Martiusella (Sapotaceae), Duckeodendron, Dyssochroma, Heterantia, Metternichia (Solanaceae), Trigoniodendron (Trigoniaceae), Hybanthopsis and Schweiggeria (Violaceae).
01.02.25 - addition of Roquea (Asteraceae, Loeuille, B. et al, Phytotaxa, 2024).
01.02.25 - exclusion of Stenophalium and Stilpnopappus (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, former now under Achyrocline, the latter also in Bolivia.
21.01.25 - exclusion of Lhotzkyella and Coelostelma and inclusion of Manothrix and Kerbera, after POWO revision (Apocynaceae, SEE).
24.11.24 - renomeation of Stephanocereus as Lagenosocereus, as in POWO (Cactaceae, SEE).
24.11.24 - exclusion of Estevesia, due to its synonymization under Cereus, as in POWO (Cactaceae, SEE).
30.09.24 - exclusion of Apterokarpos, due to its synonymization under Loxopterygium, as in POWO (Anacardiaceae, SEE).
30.09.24 - exclusion of Kelissa, due to its synonymization under Cypella, as in POWO (Iridaceae, SEE).
17.06.24 - exclusion of Polygonanthus (Anisophylleaceae) due to its distribution also in SE Colombia (POWO; Freitas, J.A., Acta Amazonica, 1988).
13.06.24 - exclusion of Lathrophytum (Balanophoraceae), due to its occurrence also in Costa Rica (SEE).
09.05.24 - inclusion of Psychopsiella Lückel & Braem in Orchidaceae, a valid genus via POWO (Psychopsiella).
09.05.24 - exclusion of Saundersia Rchb.f. in Orchidaceae, now under Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl. (Meneguzzo & Chase, Phytotaxa, 2024).
09.05.24 - exclusion of Douradoa Sleumer in Ximeniaceae, due to occurrence also in Venezuela (González & Aymard, Harvard Papers in Botany, 2023).
21.10.23 - exclusion of Isabelcristinia and Catimbaua under Ameroglossum (Linderniaceae, SEE).
21.10.23 - inclusion of Tumultivenia dismembered of Cyrtocarpa (Anacardiaceae, SEE).
06.08.23 - exclusion of Euxylophora (Rutaceae), due to its expansion up to SE Colombia (Echeverri, Phytotaxa, 2023).
29.04.23 - reinclusion of Actinocephalus, and inclusion of Floralia and Gnomus (Eriocaulaceae), due to taxonomic updates (Andrino et al., Taxon, 2023).
04.04.23 - exclusion of Salzmannia (Rubiaceae) due to Puadyal & Delprete (BJLS, 2018).
04.04.23 - inclusion of Martiusella (Sapotaceae), due to rearranjes in Swenson et al. (Taxon, 2023).
03.04.23 - exclusion of Bahiana (Euphorbiaceae), due to distribution also in Peru (Wurdack, PhytoKeys, 2023).
21.02.23 - realocation of Keraunea in Ehretiaceae (non in Convolvulaceae), in Moonlight & Cardoso (PhytoKeys, 2023).
10.02.23 - inclusion of Delgadoana (Fabaceae), by Silva Santos et al. (Taxon, 2022).
10.02.23 - exclusion of Centroglossa due to their inclusion in Zygostates (Orchidaceae, Royer et al., Systematic Botany, 2022).
08.11.22 - exclusion of Monostyles and Lophogyne (Podostemaceae) due to rearranges, in Philbrick & Bove (Phytotaxa, 2019).
30.09.22 - reinclusion of Edmundoa (Bromeliaceae), due their reconization by VPA and POWO.
23.08.22 - exclusion of Sphenostigma (Iridaceae), due to inclusion in Gelasine, by Ravenna (Nordic Journal of Botany, 1984).
23.08.22 - exclusion of Stachyacanthus (Acanthaceae), due to inclusion in Ruellia, by Tripp et al. (Taxon, 2021).
23.08.22 - inclusion of Bahiana (Euphorbiaceae), by Carrión et al. (Taxon, 2022).
23.08.22 - inclusion of Naiadendron (Fabaceae), based on Alexandre Gibau de Lima et al. (PhytoKeys, 2022).
02.05.22 - inclusion of Rhipsalidiopsis (Cactaceae), based on Korotkova et al. (Willdenowia, 2021) and (SEE).
02.05.22 - inclusion of Estevesia (Cactaceae), based on Korotkova et al. (Willdenowia, 2021) and (SEE).
02.05.22 - exclusion of Pierrebraunia (Cactaceae), due to inclusion in Arrojadoa, by Hunt (CITES Cactaceae Checklist, 2016).
30.04.22 - exclusion of Actinocephalus (Eriocaulaceae), now accepted within Paepalanthus, by Andrino et al. (B.J. of Linnean Society, 2019).
30.04.22 - inclusion of Umbraria (Plantaginaceae), dismembered from Stemodia, by A. V. Scatigna et al. (B.J. of the Linnean Society, 2022).
30.04.22 - inclusion of Gyrosphragma (Lythraceae) due to Cavalcanti et al. (Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 2022).
30.04.22 - inclusion of Krenakanthus, Orthocryptanthus and Siqueiranthus, dismembered of Orthophytum, by Leme et al. (Phytotaxa, 2022).
18.02.22 - inclusion of Diadorimia (Rubiaceae), dismembered of Psyllocarpus, by Carmo et al. (Taxon, 2021).
18.02.22 - inclusion of Paganuccia (Rubiaceae), new genus, by Florentin et al. (Taxon, 2021).
20.08.21 - inclusion of Neoregelia (Bromeliaceae) deu to redelimitation, by Leme et al. (Phytotaxa, 2021).
20.08.21 - inclusion of Cearanthes (Amaryllidaceae), due to rediscovery in natural habitat, in Ceará state (see Revista Cariri).
01.06.21 - exclusion of Systemonodaphne (Lauraceae), now accepted here inside Kubitzkia (see Flora das Cangas da Serra dos Carajás: Lauraceae).
01.06.21 - exclusion of Sansonia (Orchidaceae), now inside Madisonia by Smidt et al. (Phytotaxa, 2021).
01.06.21 - inclusion of Aymoreana (Acanthaceae), dismembered of Staurogyne, by Braz. et al. (Systematic Botany, 2021).
01.06.21 - exclusion of Lavoisiera, Trembleya, Stenodon and Chaetostoma (Melastomataceae), all now inside Microlicia, by Versiane et al. (BJLS, 2021).
06.01.21 - inclusion of Sansonia (Orchidaceae) via Chiron (Richardiana, 2012).
06.01.21 - inclusion of Archivea (Orchidaceae), via several sources, inc. POWO (SEE), Reflora (SEE) and VPA (SEE).
04.01.21 - inclusion of Espinhassoa (Orchidaceae) via Salazar et al. (Systematic Botany, 2019).
03.01.21 - inclusion of Leucochloron and Abarema (Fabaceae), via Koenen et al. (American Journal of Botany, 2020).
03.01.21 - inclusion Mantiqueira (Fabaceae) via Queiroz et al. (Neodiversity, 2020).
CHILE (66) ‣
Atacamalium, Leucocoryne, Paposoa, Traubia (Amaryllidaceae), Homalocarpus (Apiaceae), Juania, Jubaea (Arecaceae), Lactoris (Aristolochiaceae), Centaurodendron, Guynesomia, Gypothamnium, Kieslingia, Leptocarpha, Leunisia, Manticorenia, Moscharia, Oxyphyllum, Pleocarphus, Podanthus, Spinoliva, Yunquea (Asteraceae), Nesocaryum (Boraginaceae), Aimara, Atacama, Hollermayera, Ivania (Brassicaceae), Fascicularia, Ochagavia (Bromeliaceae), Copiapoa, Miqueliopuntia (Cactaceae), Cyphocarpus, (Campanulaceae), Baretia, Reicheella (Caryophyllaceae), Rayenia, Valdivia (Escalloniaceae), Adenopeltis, Avellanita (Euphorbiaceae), Balsamocarpon (Fabaceae), Dimorphopetalum, Francoa (Francoaceae), Sarmienta (Gesneriaceae), Gomortega (Gomortegaceae), Cumiria (Lamiaceae), Lardizabala (Lardizabalaceae), Huidobria, Scyphantus (Loasaceae), Desmaria, Notanthera (Loranthaceae), Dinemandra (Malpighiaceae), Peumus (Monimiaceae), Legrandia, Nothomyrcia (Myrtaceae), Lapageria (Philesiaceae), Anisomeria, Ercilla (Phytolaccaceae), Trevoa (Rhamnaceae), Pitavia (Rutaceae), Bridgesia (Sapindaceae), Gayella (Sapotaceae), Latua, Vestia (Solanaceae), Conanthera, Tecophyllaea, Zephyra (Tecophyllaeaceae), Metharme and Pintoa (Zygophyllaceae).
01.02.25 - exclusion of Lycapsus and Calopappus (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, now under Perityle and Nassauvia, respectively.
26.01.25 - inclusion of Centaurodendron and Yunquea (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data.
09.12.24 - exclusion of Dinemagonum (Malpighiaceae), according to Almeida, R.F. et al. (PhytoKeys, 2024), now under Dinemandra.
26.11.24 - exclusion of Rimacactus, according to POWO (Cactaceae, SEE, now under Eriosyce).
30.09.24 - inclusion of Nesocaryum, according to POWO (Boraginaceae, SEE).
30.09.24 - exclusion of Bakerolimon, now recognized as occurring in Peru, via POWO (Plumbaginaceae, SEE).
13.06.24 - renaming of Tetilla to Dimorphopetalum in Francoaceae, via POWO (SEE).
09.05.24 - inclusion of Baretia Timaná in Caryophyllaceae, a new genus dismembered of Pycnophyllum Remy (Timaná, Adansonia, 2023).
10.02.23 - exclusion of Microphyes (Caryophyllaceae) due to range also in Argentina (Zanotti et al., Darwiniana, 2022).
10.02.23 - inclusion of Gayella (Sapotaceae), dismembered of Pouteria (Swenson et al., Taxon, 2022).
10.10.22 - exclusion of Megalachne and Podophorus, due their incluision in Festuca, by Tkach et al. (Taxon, 2020).
30.04.22 - inclusion of Atacamalium (Amaryllidaceae), by García et al. (Taxon, 2022).
16.02.22 - exclusion of Dendroseris and Thamnoseris, due to their inclusion in Sonchus (Mejias & Kim, Annales Botanici Fennici, 2012).
01.06.21 - exclusion of Centaurodendron (Asteraceae), due to their inclusion in Plectocephalus via POWO (SEE).
01.06.21 - inclusion of Rayenia (Escalloniaceae), new genus, by Villarroel et al. (Phytotaxa, 2021).
03.01.21 - exclusion of Grausa (Loasaceae) due to thier range also in Argentina (Santilli & Acuña, Darwiniana, 2020).
Cyphacanthus (Acanthaceae), Plagiolirion (Amaryllidaceae), Sabinaria (Arecaceae), Castanedia, Corethamnium, Dipterocypsela, Flosmutisia, Jaramilloa, Raouliopsis, Yariguianthus (Asteraceae), Sequencia (Bromeliaceae), Romeroa (Bignoniaceae), Pseudomonotes (Dipterocarpaceae), Brachycylix, Orphanodendron (Fabaceae), Cremospermopsis, Gloxiniopsis (Gesneriaceae), Obtegomeria (Lamiaceae), Allomaieta, Kirkbridea (Melastomataceae), Notyliopsis (Orchidaceae), Agrostopoa (Poaceae), Araracuara (Rhamnaceae), Acibothrys, Flexanthera, Lintersemina, Pseudohamelia (Rubiaceae), Naudinia (Rutaceae), Isidodendron (Trigoniaceae) and Mahechadendron (Vochysiaceae).
01.02.25 - exclusion of Pseudopiptocarpha (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, due ranhe also in Venezuela.
30.09.24 - inclusion of Sabinaria, via POWO (Arecaceae, SEE).
30.09.24 - exclusion of Poortmannia due to its occurrence also in Ecuador (Solanaceae, SEE).
30.09.24 - exclusion of Cephalotomandra due to its occurrence also in Panama (Nyctaginaceae, SEE).
09.05.24 - exclusion of Santanderella P.Ortiz in Orchidaceae, now under Notyliopsis P.Ortiz, by POWO (Santanderella).
10.02.23 - exclusion of Colombobalanus (Fagaceae), now under Trigonobalanus by the most recent monograph on the Fagaceae of America Latina (Bartholomew & Almada, Phytotaxa, 2023).
23.08.22 - exclusion of Rhombochlamys (Acanthaceae), due to inclusion in Aphelandra, by Tripp et al. (Taxon, 2021). 23.08.22 - exclusion of Sanguisuga (Cytinaceae), due to inclusion in Bdalophytum, by POWO (SEE) and Rios-Carrasco et al. (Plant Species Biol., 2022).
30.04.22 - inclusion of Mahechadendron (Vochysiaceae) by Cortés, Cortés & Alonso (Phytotaxa, 2022).
18.02.22 - exclusion of Paramiflos (Asteraceae) due to inclusion at Espeletia (Saldivia et al., Harvard Papers in Botany, 2019).
ECUADOR (19) ‣ Psilanthele (Acanthaceae), Croatiella (Araceae), Cyathomone, Idiopappus, Kingianthus, Lecocarpus, Scalesia, Trigonopterum (Asteraceae), Brachycereus, Jasminocereus (Cactaceae), Ecuadendron (Fabaceae), Shuaria (Gesneriaceae), Aetheorhyncha, Pridgeonia, Pupulina, Suarezia (Orchidaceae), Acostia, Laegaardia (Poaceae) and Hierobotana (Verbenaceae).
01.02.25 - inclusion of Pupulina (Orchidaceae) in adjustments made according to POWO data (SEE).
09.05.24 - exclusion of Horvatia Garay in Orchidaceae, now under Bifrenaria Lindl. (Meneguzzo & Chase, Phytotaxa, 2024).
10.02.23 - inclusion of Pridgeonia (Orchidaceae) based on Pupulin (Harvard Pappers in Botany, 2019).
FRENCH GUIANA (4) ‣ Garciemoriana (Apocynaceae), Cremersia (Gesneriaceae), Degranvillea (Orchidaceae) and Hekkingia (Violaceae).
GUYANA (13) ‣ Thysanostemon (Clusiaceae), Lampadaria, Roogeton (Gesneriaceae), Maguireanthus, Ochtephilus, Thyssophyton (Melastomataceae), Maburea (Erythropalaceae), Pibiria (Passifloraceae), Whittonia (Peridiscaceae), Potarophyton, Windsorina (Rapateaceae), Etericius, Pteridocalyx (Rubiaceae).
21.02.223 - realocation of Maburea in Erythropalaceae.
PARAGUAY (2) ‣ Bordasia (Malvaceae), Piptadeniopsis (Fabaceae).
02.05.22 - reinclusion of Piptadeniopsis (Fabaceae), taking into account the arguments of Peña Chocarro & De Egea (Phytotaxa, 2018).
18.02.22 - exclusion of Mesanthophora (Asteraceae) due to range in Brazil and Bolivia (Soares & Loeuille, Phytotaxa, 2021).
03.01.21 - exclusion of Piptadeniopsis (Fabaceae) due to their range also in Bolivia (POWO).
PERU (55) ‣ Cephalacanthus, Tessmanniacanthus, Trichosanchezia (Acanthaceae), Hebanthodes (Amaranthaceae), Mathieua, Rauhia, Trichlora (Amaryllidaceae), Orthopterigyum (Anacardiaceae), Acomosperma, Peruviasclepias, Schistonema (Apocynaceae), Filarum (Araceae), Dimena, Diora (Asparagaceae), Angeldiazia, Anticona, Ascidiogyne, Aynia, Bishopanthus, Caxamarca, Centenaria, Chionopappus, Dysaster, Ellenbergia, Ferreyella, Hughesia, Heiseria, Holoschkuhria, Inkaliabum, Notobaccharis, Paquiera, Schizotrichia, Syncretocarpus, Trepadonia, Uleophytum (Asteraceae), Dactylocardamum, Gongylis, Machaerophorus (Brassicaceae), Calymmanthium, Lasiocereus, Loxanthocereus, Matucana, Mila, Oroya, Perucactus, Rauhocereus (Cactaceae), Monocostus (Costaceae), Pellegrinia (Ericaceae), Maraniona (Fabaceae), Gloxiniella (Gesneriaceae), Neotessmannia (Muntingiaceae), Opilionanthe (Orchidaceae), Jonstonalia (Rhamnaceae), Motleyothamnus and Riqueuria (Rubiaceae).
26.01.25 - inclusion of Inkaliabum and Dysaster in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data.
21.01.25 - inclusion of Schistonema (Cactaceae), by POWO (SEE).
26.11.24 - inclusion of Loxanthocereus and Perucactus (Cactaceae), POWO (SEE and SEE, respectively).
13.06.24 - exclusion of Laccopetalum (Ranunculaceae), now inside Ranunculus by POWO (SEE).
04.04.23 - inclusion of Motleyothamnus (Rubiaceae) due to Puadyal & Delprete (BJLS, 2018).
30.09.22 - exclusion of Aenigmanu (Picramniaceae), due to range also in Brazil (MAP).
23.08.22 - exclusion of Orophochilus (Acanthaceae), due to inclusion in Aphelandra, by Tripp et al. (Taxon, 2021).02.05.22 - exclusion of Xylopodia (Loasaceae), due range also in Argentina and Bolivia, by Martin et al. (PhytoKeys, 2022).
02.05.22 - exclusion of Loxanthocereus (Cactaceae), after revision of Cactaceae, based on Korotkova et al. (Willdenowia, 2021).
02.05.22 - exclusion of Borzicatus (Cactaceae), due to range also in Ecuador, by Hunt (CITES Cactaceae Checklist, 2016).
02.05.22 - exclusion of Anhaloniopsis (Cactaceae), due to inclusion in Matucana, by POWO (SEE).
18.02.22 - inclusion of Aenigmanu (Picramniaceae) via W. Thomas (Taxon, 2021).
06.01.21 - inclusion of Loxanthocereus (Cactaceae) via POWO (SEE).
03.01.21 - exclusion of Weberbauerella (Fabaceae) due to their range also in Chile (VPA).
VENEZUELA (29) ‣ Orinoquia (Apocynaceae), Achnopogon, Chimantea, Duidaea, Dasyandantha, Freya, Huberopappus, Siapaea, Tamananthus (Asteraceae), Mycerinus, (Ericaceae), Pirrorhyza (Haemodoraceae), Rojasimalva, Uladendron (Malvaceae), Mallophyton (Melastomataceae), Aracamunia, Stalkia (Orchidaceae), Celianella (Phyllanthaceae), Autana (Podostemaceae), Amphiphyllum, Kunhardtia, Marahuacaea, Phelpisiella (Rapateaceae), Aphanocarpus, Coccochondra, Coryphothamnus, Holstianthus (Rubiaceae), Apocaulon, Rutaneblina (Rutaceae), Achlyphila (Xyridaceae).
01.02.25 - exclusion of Tuberculocarpus in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, due to distribution of this genus also in N Brazil.
01.02.25 - exclusion of Carramboa and inclusion of Freya (Asteraceae) in adjustments made according to POWO (SEE) data, under Espeletia and outside Sabazia, respectively.
03.01.21 - exclusion of Margaritolobium (Fabaceae), now under Muellera L.f. (José da Silva, Thesis, 2010).
08.01.21 - exclusion of Tepuia (Ericaceae) via Kron, Fritsch, Lu & Judd (Gard. Bull. Singapore, 2020).