SMALLER FROM MERCOSUL ‣ according to the data provided by this blog, Paraguay and Uruguay have 63 genera of angiosperms absent in Brazil across 31 families, 30 of the genera only in Paraguay, 25 only in Uruguay and 8 in both. Furthermore, 4 of the families do not occur in Brazil: Montiaceae, Polemoniaceae, Frankeniaceae e Papaveraceae.
Montia fontana L. posssibly introduced in Uruguay (Flora del Cono Sur/Montia fontana).
GUIANAS ‣ the three Guyana countries together have 64 genera that do not occur in Brazil. None represent an absent family in Brazil; for very detailed maps off all most important sites of botanic collections in Guyana, see Hoffman (Smithsonian Plant Collection, 2014); endemic genera marked in bold. For trees from French Guiana, see Molino J.F. et al. (Adansonia, 2022), who lists 1,811 spp. in 421 genera at 87 families.
GUYANA (51) ‣ Brasenia (Cabombaceae), Chlorocardium (Lauraceae), Jasarum (Araceae), Chaubardiella, Sievekingia, Gomphihis, Eloyella, Oliveriana, Teuscheria (Orchidaceae), Potarophyton, Windsorina (Rapateaceae), Rhynchocladium (Cyperaceae, GBIF), Lutheria (Bromeliaceae), Phragmites (Poaceae), Maburea (Erythropalaceae), Whittonia (Peridiscaceae), Ceratostema (Ericaceae), Chorisepalum, Enicostema, Rogersonanthus (Gentianaceae), Didymochlamys, Duidania, Etericius, Erithalis, Maguireothamnus, Pteridocalix, Wittmackanthus, Merumea (Rubiaceae), Christopheria, Lampadaria, Pagothyra, Roogeton, Kohleria, Crantzia (Gesneriaceae), Condylidium, Quelchia (Asteraceae), Pseudanamomis (Myrtaceae), Maguireanthus, Ochthephilus (GBIF), Boyania, Phainatha, Tryssophytum, Pterogastra (Melastomataceae), Loxopterigyum (Anacardiaceae), Pakaraimaea (Cistaceae), Guaiacum (Zygophyllaceae), Dystovomita, Thysanostemon (Clusiaceae, GBIF), Pibiria (Passifloraceae, SEE), Neosprucea (Salicaceae), Senefelderopsis (Euphorbiaceae).
SURINAME (16) ‣ Chlorocardium (Lauraceae), Teuscheria, Chamelophyton, Degranvillea, Chaubardiella, Sievekingia (Orchidaceae), Lutheria (Bromeliaceae), Phragmites (Poaceae), Buxus (Buxaceae, GBIF), Chorisepalum (Gentianaceae), Kohleria, Lembocarpus, Pagothyra (Gesneriaceae), Megaskepasma (Acanthaceae), Loxopterigyum (Anacardiaceae), Guaiacum (Zygophyllaceae).
FRENCH GUIANA (19) ‣ Brasenia (Cabombacae), Asterogyne (Arecaceae), Chamelophyton, Degranvillea, Spiranthes, Chauberadiella, Sievekingia (Orchidaceae), Lutheria (Bromeliaceae), Phragmites (Poaceae), Garciemoriana (Apocynaceae), Christopheria, Cremersia, Pagothyra, Kohleria, Lembocarpus (Gesneriaceae), Russelia (Plantaginaceae), Loxopterigyum (Anacardiaceae), Amyris (Rutaceae), Hekkingia (Violaceae).
GUYANA/SURINAME (3) ‣ Chlorocardium (Lauraceae), Chorisepalum (Gentianaceae), Guaiacum (Zygophyllaceae)
GUYANA/FRENCH GUIANA (2) ‣ Brasenia (Cabombaceae), Christopheria (Gesneriaceae).
SURINAME/FRENCH GUIANA (3) ‣ Chamelophyton, Degranvillea (Orchidaceae), Lembocarpus (Gesneriaceae).
GU/SR/FG (7) ‣ Chauberadiella, Sievekingia (Orchidaceae), Lutheria (Bromeliaceae), Phragmites (Poaceae), Kohleria, Pagothyra (Gesneriaceae), Loxopterygium (Anacardiaceae).
PARAGUAY ‣ the Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay - Peña Chocarro & De Egea (Phytotaxa, 2018) - lists 374 taxa from 52 families and 162 genera are endemic of this amable landlocked country. Paraguay Biodiversidad is an excellent natural album of plants collected in their native state in Paraguay.
PERU ‣ for a list of all vascular plants in Peru, see PERU CHECKLIST, or their ADVANCED SEARCH, both from MOBOT.
BOLIVIA ‣ for a list of all vascular plants in Bolivia, see Bolivia Checklist.
MEXICO ‣ the country has, by Villaseñor (Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2016), 23,314 spp., distributed in 2,854 genera, 297 families, and 73 orders. Based on this source, but with numbers of VPA, the five families in Mexico are in table below. The genera with mora than 170 spp. in Mexico are only Sedum (Crassulaceae, 382), Salvia (Lamiaceae, 335), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae, 246), Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae, 243), Agave (Asparagacaeae, 208), Quercus (Fagaceae, 177) and Mammillaria (Cactaceae, 173).
Mexico has at least 2,885 native tree species, belonging to 612 genera and 128 families. Fabaceae is the most represented family and Quercus the most represented genus. Approximately 44% of tree species are endemic to the country. The southern part of the country showed the highest values of species richness. Six hundred and seventy-four species have at least one documented human use (Tellez et al., PeerJ, 2020).Five families occur in the US, but not in Mexico: Calycanthaceae, Stemonaceae, Balsaminaceae, Limmeaceae and Semonuraceae
Mexico has 46 families of Angiosperms that do not occur in Brazil, 27 occur in South America¹, and 19 do not²:
¹Tovariaceae, Phyllonomaceae, Coriariaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Mitrastemonaceae, Actinidiaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Tapisciaceae, Dipentodontaceae, Melanthiaceae, Grossulariaceae, Juglandaceae, Saxifragaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Polemoniaceae, Cornaceae, Koeberliniaceae, Tetrachondraceae, Zosteraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Frankeniaceae, Papaveraceae, Phrymaceae, Buxaceae, Myricaceae, Montiaceae.
²Setchellanthaceae, Sarcobataceae, Fouquieriaceae, Simmondisiaceae, Crossossomataceae, Stegnospermataceae, Guamatelaceae, Plocospermataceae, Ticodendraceae, Resedaceae, Datiscaceae, Paeoniaceae, Saururaceae, Platanaceae, Schisandraceae, Liliaceae, Garryaceae, Altingiaceae, Iteaceae.
In contrast, 26 Brazilian families do not occur in Mexico: Tofiediaceae, Nartherciaceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae, Velloziaceae, Rapateaceae, Thurniaceae, Strelitziaceae, Anisophylleaceae, Humiriaceae, Peridiscaceae, Lepidobotryceae, Quillajaceae, Euphroniaceae, Goupiaceae, Caryocaraceae, Ixonanthaceae, Bonnetiaceae, Vivianiaceae, Rhabdodendraceae, Tetrameristaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Stemonuraceae, Calyceraceae, Escalloniaceae, Griseliniaceae.
COLOMBIA ‣ Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia (BOOK, 2016) documents the presence in Colombia of 22,840 species of angiosperms, 45 of gymnosperms and 1,643 of ferns and fern allies, and a total of 24,528 species of vascular plants; of these, 769 species are cultivated, leaving 23,759 species of vascular plants native or naturalized. Additionally, 13 species of hornworts, 932 mosses, 704 liverworts and 1,674 lichens are documented, for a total of 27,860 species. At least 15 of the 769 cultivated species are already naturalized in the country, and they are now part of the wild flora of Colombia.
The total number of species in the Catalogue includes 496 species that have not yet been found in Colombia, but whose presence in the country is expected as they have been collected in neighboring areas, mostly within 10 km from the border. In many cases, as with many plants of Carchi (Ecuador) or Amazonas (Venezuela), the species has been collected in the neighboring country just across the river that marks the border.
MOZAMBIQUE ‣ the checklist of angiosperms of Mozambique includes 7,099 taxa (5,957 species, 605 subspecies, 537 varieties), belonging to 226 families and 1,746 genera. There are 6,804 angiosperms, 257 pteridophytes, and 38 gymnosperms. A total of 6,171 taxa are native to Mozambique, while 602 are introduced and the remaining 326 taxa were considered as uncertain status. The endemism level for Mozambique’s flora was assessed at 9.59%, including 278 strict-endemic taxa and 403 near-endemic. 58.2% of taxa are herbaceous, while shrubs and trees account respectively for 26.5% and 9.2% of the taxa. The checklist also includes ferns (3.6%), lianas (1.7%), subshrubs (0.5%) and cycads (0.3%). Fabaceae, Poaceae and Asteraceae are the three most represented families, with 891, 543 and 428 taxa, respectively (Délcio Odorico et al., PhytoKeys, 2022).
NEW GUINEA ‣ world’s largest tropical island and has fascinated naturalists for centuries. Home to some of the best-preserved ecosystems on the planet and to intact ecological gradients—from mangroves to tropical alpine grasslands—that are unmatched in the Asia-Pacific region, it is a globally recognized centre of biological and cultural diversity. So far, however, there has been no attempt to critically catalogue the entire vascular plant diversity of New Guinea. Here we present the first, to our knowledge, expert-verified checklist of the vascular plants of mainland New Guinea and surrounding islands. Our publicly available checklist includes 13,634 species (68% endemic), 1,742 genera and 264 families - suggesting that New Guinea is the most floristically diverse island in the world. Expert knowledge is essential for building checklists in the digital era: reliance on online taxonomic resources alone would have inflated species counts by 22%. Species discovery shows no sign of levelling off, and we discuss steps to accelerate botanical research in the ‘Last Unknown’. (Cámara-Leret et al., Nature, 2020).
VENEZUELA ‣ by Stefano (Candollea, 2009) 275 families, 2,480 genera and 15,820 species of vascular plants in the country, a total that encompasses 2,964 endemic species, representing 18.7% of the country’s vascular plant species. Total number of families, genera and species for the main vascular plant groups in Venezuela:
The ten largest vascular plants families in Venezuela:
Although the total number of endemic species in Venezuela is 3,056, however, the list in above includes only the species endemic to each region, for a total of 2,994 species. Estimated number of vascular plant species and endemics in the four main geographical regions of Venezuela, in relation to the total number of taxa in each region:
Endemic genera from Venezuela by region*:
Venezuela Guayana - Salpinctes (Apocynaceae), Achnopogon, Chimantaea, Duidaea, Huberopappus, Quelchia, Siapaea, Tuberculocarpus, Tylero- pappus (Asteraceae), Brewcaria, Steyerbromelia (Bromeliaceae), Mycerinus, Tepuia (Ericaceae), Celianella (Phyllanthaceae), Neblinantha, Sipa- poantha (Gentianaceae), Pyrrorhiza (Haemodoraceae), Uladendron (Malvaceae), Mallophyton (Melastomataceae), Aracamunia (Orchida- ceae), Amphiphyllum, Kunhardtia, Marahuacaea, Phelpsiella (Rapateaceae), Aphanocarpus, Cephalodendron, Coccochondra, Coryphothamnus, Duidania, Holstianthus, Yutajea (Rubiaceae), Apocaulon, Rutaneblina (Rutaceae), Achlyphila (Xyridaceae).
Andes - Coespeletia, Carramboa, and Ruilopezia - all three segregated from Espeletia, Freya (Asteraceae), Stalkya (Orchidaceae).
Coastal Cordillera - Margaritolobium (Fabaceae), Rojasimalva (Malvaceae), Llewelynia (Melastomataceae) and Neoblakea (Rubiaceae).Llanos - none endemic genera.
*the genera Salpinctes (Apocynaceae), Tyleropappus (Asteraceae), Tepuia (Ericaceae), Margaritolobium (Fabaceae), Llewelynia (Melastomataceae), Cephalocarpus, Yutajea (Rubiaceae) are not recognized in SSAA; Neoblakea (Rubiaceae) now occur also in Ecuador; Neblinantha and Sipapoantha (Gentianaceae) occur in N Brazil; Coespeletia, Ruilopezia (Asteraceae), Brewcaria and Steyerbromelia (Bromeliaceae) also occur in Colombia (the last also in Brazil); Quelchia (Asteraceae) also occur in Guyana. On the other hand, Orinoquia (Apocynaceae), Dasyandantha, Tamananthus (Asteraceae) and Autana (Podostemaceae) are absent from work but recognized as endemic to the country by the SSAA.
CHINA ‣ according to an overview of higher plant diversity in China, China has 35,112 native species of higher plants belonging to 3,818 genera and 454 families. Among them, there are 3,045 bryophyte species in 602 genera and 151 families, 2,124 pteridophyte species in 176 genera and 38 families, 227 gymnosperm species in 37 genera and 8 families, and 29,716 angiosperm species in 3,003 genera and 257 families (Lisong Wang, Yu Jia, Xianchun Zhang, Haining Qin, Biodiv Sci, 2015).
Comparisons with recent estimates of global species diversity suggests that the species diversity of Chinese of the global totals of bryophytes (18%), pteridophytes (17%), gymnosperms (22%) and angiosperms (11%) account for. A total of 212 genera are endemic to China with 7 bryophytes, 2 pteridophytes, 7 gymnosperms, and 196 angiosperms. A total of 17,439 species are endemic to China including 524 bryophytes, 840 pteridophytes, 115 gymnosperms, and 15,960 angiosperms.
The top 10 families with highest species diversity are Asteraceae (227g/2,315 species), Poaceae (215/1,787), Fabaceae (141/1,631), Orchidaceae (205/1,556), Lamiaceae (103/975), Ranunculaceae (38/957), Rosaceae (53/954), Cyperaceae (32/871), Ericaceae (22/841), and Rubiaceae (94/696).
The top 12 families with highest endemic genera are Gesneriaceae (26 genera), Asteraceae (18), Orchidaceae (14), Lamiaceae (11), Apiaceae (9), Brassicaceae (9), Apocynaceae (6), Poaceae (6), Melastomataceae (5), Boraginaceae (4), Rubiaceae (4), and Ranunculaceae (4).
The top 10 genera with highest species diversity are Rhododendron (588), Carex (537), Astragalus (420), Pedicularis (363), Corydalis (357), Primula (310), Saussurea (293), Salix (279), Impatiens (274), and Gentiana (255).
The top 10 genera with highest endemic species are Rhododendron (433), Pedicularis (283), Carex (273), Corydalis (258), Astragalus (237), Impatiens (234), Primula (222), Berberis (209), Elatostema (207), and Saussurea (196). Diversity bearing with more than 5,000 species among the seven Chinese provinces is as follows: Yunnan (15,900), Sichuan (10,374), Tibet (7,629), Guangxi (7,399), Guizhou (6,405), Guangdong (5,498) and Taiwan (5,290).
Among the 17 mega-diversity countries China is ranked the fourth when ordered by total species diversity. 1,038 spp. of angiosperms was described in China between 2013 to the ende of 2018 (Cai et al., PhytoKeys, 2019).