February 05, 2023


PUBLISHED IN 06.02.2023

A list of absent family subgroups in Brazil, in Brazilian families with partially or fully stable classification. 59 families listed. Only clades at tribe level (or equivalent) or higher were highlighted (except Apocynaceae), and the distributions indicated refer only within South America. The numbers in each subgroup are based mainly on SSAA (SEE) and do not necessarily reflect the increase in the number of species from other sources or since them.

All New World groups occur in Brazil except tribe Miliuseae (29/490-495); New World members composes Sapranthinae subtribe, with three genera, Desmopsis Saff., Sapranthus Seem. and Stenanona Standl., all from Mexico to Colombia, the first also in Cuba.
Two of the three subfamilies occur in the New World, with subf. Monimioideae with three genera and 19 spp., two genera in Mauritius, Réunion, New Guinea, E Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and Peumus Molina endemic to Chile; the other New World tribe, Mollinedioideae, occur in Brazil. 
Two tribes in this family, with one present in Brazil and the other, Luzuriagae, with two genera, the outsider Drymophila (2; E & SE Australia, Tasmania) and Luzuriaga Ruiz & Pavon, with 4 spp., one in New Zealand and three in Atacama to Tierra del Fuego and Falklandsl.
Despite the low diversity of genera, only 3 of the 8 South American tribes do not occur in Brazil: tribe Gillesieae (5/24), from Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina; tribe Eustephieae (3/20) from Peru, Argentina and Chile; and tribe Clinantheae (3/15) from Ecuador to Argentina and Chile. 
Only one of the six lineages in South America does not occur in Brazil: tribe Laxmannioideae (8/c. 95), with Trichopetalum Lindl. (2) from Neuquen in Argentina to C Chile. 
11 of the 15 South American tribes occur in Brazil; the exceptions are tribe Sabaleae (Coryphoideae, 1/14) with Sabal Adans in Colombia and Venezuela; tribe Ceroxyleae (Ceroxyloideae, 4/34) with Ceroxylon Humb. & Bonpla. and Juania Drude from Venezuela to Bolivia and Juan Fernandes in Chile; tribe Roystoneae (Arecoideae, 1/11) with Roystonea O.F.Cook in Colombia and Venezuela; and tribe Reinhardtieae (Arecoideae, 1/6) with Reinhardtia Liebm. in NW Colombia. 
All South American clades occur in Brazil except tribe Glomeropitcairnieae in Tillandsioideae (1/2) in N Venezuela; and Greigia clade in Bromelioideae (4/41) from Mexico to Chile (continental and insular), Argentina and Venezuela. 
All 14 South American tribes occur in Brazil except tribe Scirpeae (9/74) with 6 genera and 21 spp. in continent, from Colombia to Chile and Argentina. 
Despite the huge amount of genera in Pooideae and Chloridioideae does not occur in Brazil, all South American tribes and subfamilies in the family occur in Brazil except subf. Arundinoideae (11-13/35-37) with Phragmites australis (Nees) Döll in all coutries of New World except Brazil, Paraguay and some Caribbean Is., and tribe Brachypodieae (1/18) at Pooideae with Brachypodium mexicanum (Roem. & Schult.) Link from Colombia to Bolivia. Furthermore, 7 subtribes in Pooideae and 8 in Chloridioideae in Brazilian tribes occur in South America but non in Brazil. 
Two subfamilies in South America, subf. Ranunculoideae in Brazil and subf. Thalictroideae (7-8/280-340) absent, with 7 spp. of Thalictrum All. from Venezuela to Chile and Argentina. 
Two subfamilies, Stylocerateae (4/21) occur in Brazil, and Buxeae (1/101), which in South America occur only from Colombia, Venezuela and Suriname. 
Three tribes in South America, two in Brazil, and tribe Embothrieae (12/520) absent, with three genera and six spp. in Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina.
Two genera in South America, one in a each subfamily; Crassuloideae occur in Brazil, and subf. Sempervivoideae (18/970-1,000) has Sedum L. in continent, with 43 spp. from Venezuela to Argentina, mainly in Peru. 
Three subfamilies in South America, two in Brazil and one absent, subf. Zygophylloideae (6/183), with Fagonia chilensis Hook. & Arn., in western coast of South America in N Chile and S Peru.
Nine lineages in South America, seven in Brazil, two absents: tribe Stackhousioideae (18/89) with two spp. of Crossopetalum P. Browne from Venezuela to Peru; and tribe Brexioideae (15/108-123) with Elaeodendron xylocarpum (Vent.) DC. in Venezuela.
4 genera within 4 tribes in South America, two in Brazil, tribe Eucrypheae (1/7) with two spp. of Eucryphia Cav. in Chile and Argentina, and tribe Caldcluvieae (4/10) with a single species of Caldcluvia D.Don in Argentina and Chile.
13 lineages in South America, all in South America except Ectopopterys clade (1/1), restricted fro Colombia to Peru. 
Two subfamilies, subf. Violoideae occur in Brazil, and subf. Fusispermoideae (1/3) is absent, with two spp. of Fusispermum Hekking. from Colombia to Peru.
Four subfamilies in South America, two in Brazil and two monogeneric Brazilian absents and restricts for continent: subf. Pibiroideae (1/1) endemic to Guyana, and subf. Malesherbioideae (1/24) from Peru, Argentina and Chile.
All South American clades occur in Brazil except tribe Aleuritidae (15/60), with Garcia nutans Vahl ex Rohr in Colombia.
33 clades in South America, 31 tribes among three subfamilies and, and two small subfamilies; all occur in Brazil except four: Prioria clade (3/16) with Prioria copaifera Griseb. in NW Colombia; Cladrastidoids clade (3/18) with Styphnolobium sporadicum in NW Colombia; tribe Glycyrrhizeae (1/18) with Glycyrrhiza astragalina Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. in Argentina and Chile; and tribe Hedysareae (25–27/c. 4.300) with 117 spp. of Astragalus L. from Ecuador to Argentina and Chile. 
7 tribes occur in South America, 5 in Brazil; absents are tribe Spireeae (8/90-110), with Holodiscus argenteus (L.f.) Maxim. in Colombia, and tribe Pyrodeae (27/700-730), with two genera and 18 spp. from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile; among native Brazilian tribe Potentilleae, subtribe Potentiliinae (1/493) is absent in Brazil, with 4 spp. of Potentilla L. from Venezuela to Argentina.
Two higher clades, tribe Geranieae occur in Brazil, Hypseocharis Clade (1/7) is exclusive from S Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.
Two tribes, tribe Vivianieae (4/18) occur in Brazil, and tribe Francoeae (2/2) endemic to Chile.
Two subfamiles in South America; all South American tribes within subf. Myrtoideae occur in Brazi, however subf. Metrosidereae is composed by only one sp. in South America, M. stipularis (Hook. & Arn.) Hook. f., in S Chile and Argentina. 
18 lineages, 17 tribes of subf. Melastomatoideae plus two genera from subf. Olisbeoideae occur in South America, only two are absents in Brazil, tribe Astronieae (4/156) with 4 spp. of Tessmannianthus Markgr. in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; and tribe Cyphostyleae (4/20), fully exclusive from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Six lineages (one small subfamily, two singled tribes in Anacardioideae, and three clades within tribe Anacardieae) occur in South America, all in Brazil except Clade 3 for Anacardieae (10/c. 100), with 16 spp. of Mauria Kunth in Venezuela to Bolivia. 
11 lineages in South America (one small subfamily and 10 tribes within two remaining subfamilies), 4 absents in Brazil: subf. Hipocastonoideae (5/180-185), with one Billia Peyr. in Colombia; tribe Doratoxyleae (8/19) at Dodonaeoideae, with one Exothea Macfad in Colombia and Ecuador; Blomia clade (3/10) at Sapindoideae, with a genus exclusive genus in Argentina and Chile; and tribe Bridgesieae (1/1), also Sapindoideae, monotypic tribe endemic to Chile.
Six subfamilies, three are absent in South America, two (Cneoroideae and Zanthoxyloideae) occur in Brazil, and Amyridoideae (3/42) with Amyris P. Browne with 12 spp. from Venezuela to Peru and Guianas. 
Family in deep rearrangement, with six lineages in the New World, four in Brazil, Iltisella Clade (1/2) only in Mexico and Central America, and Andean Clade (4/39), from Mexico to Bolivia and Caribbean, all these genera in South America. 
Two subfamilies, Aethionomoideae (1/56) and Brassicoideae, the latter with 5 supertribes, all in New World, 4 in South America, and 57 tribes belongs in this family, 12 in South America, two in Brazil (tribes Cardamineae and Lepidieae) and 10 absents in 4 supertribes (see German et al., PhytoKeys, 2023): 
▪ tribes Descuiraneae (6/c. 45, 12 spp. in three genera from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile), Physarieae (7/133, only six sp. of Physaria (Nutt. ex. Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray. from Bolivia, Argentina and Uruguay) and Halimolobeae (6/39, 13 spp. in 4 genera from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile) at supertibe Camelinodae. 
▪ tribes Coluteocarpeae (3/127, with Noccaea magelanica (Comm. ex Poir.) Holub in Patagonia from Argentina and Chile), Thelypodieae (28/260, 96 spp. within 14 genera in South America) and Brassiceae (c. 36/c. 275, with Cakile lanceolata (Willd.) O.E. Schulz in Colombia and Venezuela) at supertibe Brassicodae.
▪ tribes Eudemeae (10/42-43, all from Colombia to Argentina and Chile), Cremolobeae (4/c.32, all from Colombia to Argentina and Chile) and Schizopetaleae (4/19, all from Peru, Argentina and Chile) at supertibe Heliophiloidae.
▪ supertibe Arabodeae (45/680750, with 84 spp. in two genera from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile).
Two higly distinct clades: Cistoideae mainly temperate herbs from Northern Hemisphere with a single species in S South America, inc Brazil, and Pakaraimaeoideae, a composed by a single tall tropical tree Pakaraima dipterocarpacea Maguire & Ashton from E Venezuela and W Guyana. 
Nine subfamilies, 8 in South America, all of them and your tribes occur in Brazil except subfamily Tilioideae (3/37), from temperate regions on the Northern Hemisphere, with Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm (15) reaching to NW Colombia in South America.
All South American clades occur in Brazil except Notantherinae with two genera endemics to Chile (Desmaria Tiegh. and Notanthera (DC) G. Don.).
Seven tribes, sometimes recognized as families, 5 in South America, all in Brazil except tribe Nanodeoideae, with two genera (Mida L. and Nanodea Banks ex Gaertner) and three spp. restricted of Argentina (1), Chile (2) and New Zealand (1). 
7 lineages (a smaller subfamily and six tribes within two remaining families) in South America, only one absent in Brazil, tribe Erigoneae (12/410-420) at subf. Erigonoideae, with 4 genera and 21 spp. in South America. 
Eight tribes in South America, two absents in Brazil: tribe Theliphoideae (2/15) with 4 spp. in Corrigiola L. from Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina; and tribe Sileneae (2/882), with 23 spp. of Silene L. from Ecuador to Argentina and Chile. 
Three of the 5 South American subfamilies occur in Brazil; the others are subf. Polycnemoideae (3/16-18) with two spp. of Nitrophila S.Watson in Chile and Argentina, one each; and subf. Suaedioideae (2/75-80), with 9 spp. of Suaeda L. fro Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. 
Only 4 genera in South America, within three subfamilies, subf. Sesuvioideae in Brazil, and two remaining absents: subf. Aizooideae (7/124), with 11 spp. of Tetragonia L. from Peru and Chile; and subf. Ruschioideae (106/1,410-1,430). with a single Carpobrotus N.E.Brown in Chile and adjacent Argentina.
Six lineages in South America (three small subfamilies and three tribes in subf. Nyctaginoideae), two of them absents in Brazil: subf. Boldoideae (3/3), with two spp. and genera from Colombia to Bolivia; and tribe Colignonieae (1/6) exclusive from Colombia to Argentina.
13 lineages at this family (3 small subfamilies and 10 tribes within Opuntioideae and Cactoideae), all in South America, 5 absents in Brazil: subf. Maihuenioideae (1/2) restricts from Chile and Argentina; tribe Tephrocacteae (7/57) at subf. Opuntioideae, restricted from Colombia to Argentina and Chile; at Cactoideae, tribes Blossfeldieae (1/1) from Bolivia to N Argentina; tribe Cacteae (32-35/405-425) with two spp. of Mamillaria Haworth in Colombia and Venezuela; and tribe Lymanbensonieae (3/c. 40), from Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Bolivia. Furthermore, 8 subtribe-equivalent groups are Brazilian absents (two in tribe Cereinae and six in tribe Phyllocacteae), just like clade II in Trichocereinae.
Three subfamilies, all in Brazil except Gronoviodeae (4/9) with Gronovia scandens L. from Venezuela and Peru.
A smaller family with two genera in South America, the monotypic Pentamerista Maguire at tribe Tetrameristeae in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, and Pelliciera Planch. & Triana at tribe Pelliciereae, with one sp. in mangroves from Ecuador and Colombia.
4 subfamilies occur in South America, three in Brazil, and subf. Primuloideae (6/540-550) absent, with two genera (Androsace L. and Primula L.), one sp. each, in S. Chile to W. Central & S. Argentina, also in Falklands Is.
8 lineages (two small subfamilies and six tribes within two remaining subfamilies) occur in South America, three Braziian absents: subf. Monotropoideae (14/55-60) with one Monotropa L. in Colombia; subf. Styphellioideae (35/510-525) with the monotypic Lebetanthus Endl. in S Chile and Patagonian Argentina; and tribe Empetreae (3/6) of Ericoideae, with one Empetrum L. from S South America, Faklands Is., Tristan de Cunha.
Family with several lineages with dubious nomenclatural position; 19 lineages in South America, 7 subfamily-equivalent plus 12 tribe-equivalent within subfamilies Cestroideae and Solanoideae, six absents in Brazil, two at subfamily-equivalent level: subf. Schizanthoidae (1/12) restrict from Chile and Argentina, and tribe Benthamielleae (3/15) exclusive from Argentina and Chile; and four tribe-equivalent level, tribe Salpiglossideae (2/7) at Cestroideae with two genera and 6 spp. in Chile and Argentina; tribe Browallieae (1/17) at Cestroideae with 17 spp. of Browallia L. from Venezuela to Bolivia; Exodeconus clade (1/6) monogeneric from Ecuador, Peru, Argentina and Chile; and tribe Nicandreae (1/3) monogeneric from Peru to N Argentina.
Six tribes in South America, only one absent in Brazil: tribe Gentianeae (17/940-970), with 218 spp. in South America in three genera. 
All South American clades of Apocynaceae occur in South America except monogeneric subtribes Pentacyphinae (5, Venezuela to Peru) and Diplolepinae (14, Argentina and Chile) in tribe Asclepiadeae.
31 tribes in South America, only two absents in Brazil: tribe Rondeletieae (13/c. 210) with 13 spp. of Rondeletia L. from Venezuela to Peru; and tribe Anthospermeae (10/210-215), with 7 spp. in three genera from Venezuela to Chile and Argentina.
Two of the three South American subfamilies do not occur in Brazil: subf. Sanangoideae (1/1), monotypic restricted from Peru and Ecuador, and subf. Epithemateae (7/c. 80) with a single New World species, Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) B.L. Burtt, from Mexico to Honduras, Costa Rica to Peru; all South American clades in Gesnerioideae occur in Brazil, except tribe Coronanthereae (9/23), with three monotypic genera from Argentina and S Chile, and subtribe Gesneriinae (4/c. 70), with two spp. of Rhytidophyllum Mart. in Colombia and Venezuela 
Nine lineages (2 small subfamilies and 7 tribes within three remaining subfamilies) in South America, three absents in Brazil: tribe Sibthorpieae (2/6) with two spp. of Sibthorpia L. from Venezuela to Argentina, these within subf. Plantaginoideae; tribe Russelioideae Jacq. within a unnamed Brazilian absent family, with R. sarmentosa Jacq. in Colombia; and subf. Antirrhinoideae (26/290-300) with 9 spp. along three genera from Venezuela to Argentina.
Four lineages in South America, all with a single genus in continent, one absent in Brazil: tribe Hemimeridae (5/c. 160), with Alonsoa Ruiz & Pav. (10) from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile.
12 subfamilies, seven in New World and in Brazil except except the Callicarpa Clade, composed exclusively by the genus Callicarpa L. with only C. acuminata Kunth in South America, up to Venezuela and Bolivia.
Four tribes of this family occur in South America, Orobancheae (12/c. 180) and Rhinantheae (15/340-510) absents in Brazil, tribes that together possess three genera in from Venezuela to Argentina and Chile: Aphyllon Mitch., Euphrasia L. and Neobartsia L.
Six tribes occur in Bignoniaceae, three absents in Brazil: Tourretieae (2/4, Mexico to Argentina), Tecomeae (11/72, North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Mexico to Nicaragua, Peru to Chile and Argentina, with T. stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth up to Mexico) and Delostomeae (1/4, Venezuela to Peru). 
Nine lineages there are in this family, 7 in Brazil, Rhaphthamneae (1/2) from Chile and Argentina, and Neospartoneae (2/6) from Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. 
This family has 5 subfamilies, two in Brazil, two outside South America, and subf. Ciphocarpoidae (1/3) endemic to Chile. 
33 lineages in South America, 29 at tribe level among 4 subfamilies, and 4 small subfamilies; five are absents in Brazil, namely subf. Famatinanthoideae (1/1) endemic to Argentina; Gochnatia clade (1/13) exclusive from Ecuador to Argentina and Chile; remaining in subf. Asteroideae: tribe Abrotenalloideae (1/20) with 7 spp of Abrotanella Cass. from Argentina and Chile; tribe Atroismeae (9/80-85) with Centipeda elatinoides (Less) Benht & Hook endemic to southern South America, in S Chile and Neuquen province of Argentina; and tribe Madieae (34/215-220), with 4 spp. in three genera from Argentina and Chile.
All 5 major clades in South America occur in Brazil, the majority however with a minimal amount of representative genera; the large family groups absent in Brazil are the tribe-level Diposis clade (3, Chile to Uruguay) at subf. Azorelloideae, the tribe-level Asteriscium clade (6 genera, 1 in Oceania and 5 from Ecuador to Argentina) at subf. Azorelloideae and the subtribe-level Arracacia clade (15 genera, 8 from Venezuela to Bolivia, 41 spp. in continent).
Most complete sources for internal family classification

Alismataceae ‣ Zhong-Li et al. (Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2022). 
Commelinaceae ‣ Zuntini et al. (American Journal of Botany, 2021). 
Rapateaceae ‣ Givnish et al. (Evolution, 2000).
Melastomataceae ‣ Michelangeli et al. (Preprint, 2020). 
Vochysiaceae ‣ Gonçalves et al. (American Journal of Botany, 2020). 
Rutaceae ‣ Appelhans et al. (Taxon, 2021). 
Caryophyllaceae ‣ Harbaugh et al. (International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2010). 
Montiaceae ‣ Hershkovitz (Article, 2019). 
Cactaceae ‣ Korotkova et al. (Willdenowia, 2021). 
Verbenaceae ‣ Cardoso et al. (Pl. Ecol. Evol., 2021). 
Acanthaceae ‣ Tripp et al. (Taxon, 2022).